School Policies » Parent and Family Engagement Policy

Parent and Family Engagement Policy

Parent and Family Engagement Policy

The school provides opportunities for the participation of all Title I, Part A parents, including parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory students. Information and school reports are provided in a format and language that parents understand (ESSA Section 1116[f]).


Family involvement is communicating and engaging with your child, their teacher, and/or the school to support learning and ensure success. Parents, family members, and other caregivers can be involved in a student's education in many ways.

What can you do at home?

  • Talk with your child about classroom activities, assignments, projects, and assessments. Be involved in your child's learning.
  • Talk with your child about the importance of learning and accomplishing school related tasks.
  • Talk with your child about college and careers.
  • Help your child organize homework, plan their calendar, and motivate them to learn.
  • Read notes, announcements, and newsletters from the school including recorded phone calls home.
  • Send notes, emails or call the school to communicate with teachers and other school staff.
  • Complete surveys to share your ideas about supporting your child's learning and growth.
  • Complete surveys to share your ideas about parent involvement,
  • Ask for and read a copy of your district's parent involvement policy.
  • Obtain and utilize Infinite Campus parent portal on any mobile device
  • Use district website for additional school information
  • Read through class syllabus

What you can do in the classroom?

  • Talk with your child's teachers.
  • Help with learning activities.
  • Volunteer for special assignments (Debates, Field trips, Presentations, Athletic events, etc.)

What you can do at the school?

  • Attend Back to School Night and Open House
  • Visit the parent resource center.
  • Talk with the principal/assistant principal/counselor about your student.
  • Talk with the principal about parent involvement opportunities at the school.
  • Attend parent education and information events.
  • Attend advisory committee meetings.
  • Be active in extracurricular events
  • Help write and review the parent involvement plans.


What you can do at the District Office?

  • Attend trainings on curriculum and school budgets.
  • Attend advisory committee meetings.
    • DAC
    • CCC
    • PACE
    • ELAC
    • DLAC
  • Serve on an advisory committee to provide input on important decisions and spending.
  • Help write and review the parent involvement policy and plans.
  • Help plan, design, and provide training for principals and teachers.
  • Link the district with other community organizations you know.
  • Vote on board elections
  • Attend board meetings



For more information, contact: Canyon High School (661) 252-6110