Counseling » Counseling during Distance Learning

Counseling during Distance Learning

Canyon High School Counseling Plan during Distance Learning
CHS Counseling Department Mission Statement: The Canyon High School Counseling
department is a comprehensive, data-driven program that helps all students regardless of
background, or individual circumstances gain knowledge and skills to adapt to the challenges of
the future. Counselors advocate for equity, access, and success for all. The department
partners with families and community, to develop meaningful and diverse learning
opportunities to support achievement at each person’s highest ability.
While we are on distance learning, we have a plan to keep students and their families
informed and supported.
  • We will be available for students during regular school hours. Students and families can
    request phone or virtual meetings. You can email counselors directly or set up an
    appointment through Calendly (more information about that will be coming soon).
  • We will be sharing messages through our Instagram account: @canyoncounselors We
    have created monthly Wellness messages in collaboration with our wellness center and
    will create activities and lesson to support students during this time.
  • We have created a Google classroom to help disseminate information and start
    important counseling activities like our college and career assessments/lessons and
    Senior credit checks.
      • Class of 2021: 2tka5x7
      • Class of 2022: 3ejdonr
      • Class of 2023: y2bqkha
      • Class of 2024: qi7zmci
Most importantly, we will continue our work with teachers and our administration to
support students that are struggling academically and emotionally. Just like during a
regular school year, we will be counseling students that are not accessing the curriculum
to assess how to best support them and their families.